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Deprecation Guide for Built-in Components Legacy HTML Attribute Arguments

until: 4.0.0
id: ember.built-in-components.legacy-attribute-arguments

As of Ember 3.27, these are the named arguments API of the built-in components:

  • <LinkTo>
  • @route
  • @model
  • @models
  • @query
  • @replace
  • @disabled
  • @current-when
  • @activeClass
  • @loadingClass
  • @disabledClass
  • <Input>
  • @type
  • @value
  • @checked
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press
  • <Textarea>
  • @value
  • @insert-newline
  • @enter
  • @escape-press

In order to reduce their API surfaces, all other arguments on these components have been deprecated. The arguments not enumerated above are either no longer necessary, no longer recommended or accidentally exposed private implementation details.

No Longer Necessary

HTML Attributes

The built-in components historically accepted a varierty of named arguments for applying certain HTML attributes to the component's HTML element. This includes the following (may not be a complete list):

  • <LinkTo>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @rel
  • @tabindex
  • @target
  • @title
  • <Input>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @accept
  • @autocapitalize
  • @autocomplete
  • @autocorrect
  • @autofocus
  • @autosave
  • @dir
  • @disabled
  • @form
  • @formaction
  • @formenctype
  • @formmethod
  • @formnovalidate
  • @formtarget
  • @height
  • @indeterminate
  • @inputmode
  • @lang
  • @list
  • @max
  • @maxlength
  • @min
  • @minlength
  • @multiple
  • @name
  • @pattern
  • @placeholder
  • @readonly
  • @required
  • @selectionDirection
  • @size
  • @spellcheck
  • @step
  • @tabindex
  • @title
  • @width
  • <Textarea>
  • @id
  • @elementId (alias for @id)
  • @ariaRole (maps to the role HTML attribute)
  • @class
  • @classNames (deprecated, expands into the class HTML atttribute)
  • @classNameBindings (deprecated, expands to the class HTML atttribute)
  • @isVisible (deprecated, expands to the display: none inline style)
  • @autocapitalize
  • @autocomplete
  • @autocorrect
  • @autofocus
  • @cols
  • @dir
  • @disabled
  • @form
  • @lang
  • @maxlength
  • @minlength
  • @name
  • @placeholder
  • @readonly
  • @required
  • @rows
  • @selectionDirection
  • @selectionEnd
  • @selectionStart
  • @spellcheck
  • @tabindex
  • @title
  • @wrap

These arguments are no longer necessary – with angle bracket invocations, HTML attributes can be passed directly. An invocation passing one or more of these named arguments now triggers a deprecation warning.


<Input @placeholder="Ember.js" />

{{input placeholder="Ember.js"}}

Passing the `@placeholder` argument to <Input> is deprecated. Instead, please
pass the attribute directly, i.e. `<Input placeholder={{...}} />` instead of
`<Input @placeholder={{...}} />` or `{{input placeholder=...}}`.


<Input placeholder="Ember.js" />

A notable exception when passing an argument named @href to the <LinkTo> component. This was never intentionally supported and will trigger an error instead of a deprecation warning.

DOM Events

The built-in components historically accepted a variety of named arguments for listening to certain DOM events on the component's HTML element. This includes the following (may not be a complete list):

  • <LinkTo>
  • @change
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @focusIn (for the focusin event)
  • @focusOut (for the focusout event)
  • @input
  • @keyDown (for the keydown event)
  • @keyPress (for the keypress event)
  • @keyUp (for the keyup event)
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • <Input>
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @input
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • @focus-in (for the focusin event)
  • @focus-out (for the focusout event)
  • @key-down (for the keydown event)
  • @key-press (for the keypress event)
  • @key-up (for the keyup event)
  • <Textarea>
  • @click
  • @contextMenu (for the contextmenu event)
  • @doubleClick (for the dblclick event)
  • @drag
  • @dragEnd (for the dragend event)
  • @dragEnter (for the dragenter event)
  • @dragLeave (for the dragleave event)
  • @dragOver (for the dragover event)
  • @dragStart (for the dragstart event)
  • @drop
  • @input
  • @mouseDown (for the mousedown event)
  • @mouseEnter (deprecated, for the mouseenter event)
  • @mouseLeave (deprecated, for the mouseleave event)
  • @mouseMove (deprecated, for the mousemove event)
  • @mouseUp (for the mouseup event)
  • @submit
  • @touchCancel (for the touchcancel event)
  • @touchEnd (for the touchend event)
  • @touchMove (for the touchmove event)
  • @touchStart (for the touchstart event)
  • @focus-in (for the focusin event)
  • @focus-out (for the focusout event)
  • @key-down (for the keydown event)
  • @key-press (for the keypress event)
  • @key-up (for the keyup event)

These arguments are no longer necessary – with angle bracket invocations, DOM event listeners can be registered directly using the {{on}} modifier. An invocation passing one or more of these named arguments now triggers a deprecation warning.


<Input @click={{this.onClick}} />

{{input click=this.onClick}}

Passing the `@click` argument to <Input> is deprecated. Instead, please use the
{{on}} modifier, i.e. `<Input {{on "click" ...}} />` instead of
`<Input @click={{...}} />` or `{{input click=...}}`.


<Input {{on "click" this.onClick}} />

Note that these named arguments were not necessarily an intentional part of the component's original design. Rather, these are callbacks that would have fired on all classic components, and since classic components' arguments are set on the component instances as properties, passing these arguments at invocation time would have "clobbered" any callbacks with the same name defined on the component's class/prototype, whether it was intended by the component's author or not.

For instance, the <Input> and <Textarea> built-in components implemented callbacks that would have been clobbered by these named arguments (may not be a complete list):

  • @change
  • @focusIn
  • @focusOut
  • @keyDown
  • @keyPress
  • @keyUp

Passing these named arguments historically suppressed certain behavior of the built-in components, in some cases preventing the components from functioning properly. This was never an intended part of the original design and should be considered a bug.

The new implementations are generally more robust against these issues, so that passing these deprecated arguments no longer clobbers internal methods or supresses built-in functionalities. This is generally desirable and should be the expected behavior going forward.

However, apps that passes these arguments should take special care to confirm they were not inadvertently relying on the built-in functionalities being suppressed. An invocation with these named arguments now triggers a deprecation warning with this additional caveat.


<Input @change={{this.onChange}} />

{{input change=this.onChange}}

Passing the `@change` argument to <Input> is deprecated. This would have
overwritten the internal `change` method on the <Input> component and prevented
it from functioning properly. Instead, please use the {{on}} modifier, i.e.
`<Input {{on "change" ...}} />` instead of `<Input @change={{...}} />` or
`{{input change=...}}`.


<Input {{on "change" this.onChange}} />

Other Arguments

See the section on Other Legacy Arguments.

See RFC #671 and RFC #707 for more details about this change.