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Deprecation Guide for Access to Instance Initializers

id: instance-initializers

Deprecate Access to Instance Initializers

When we initially designed Ember, we only had the use case of apps that run in the browser in mind. In that world, you would load your app and then it would run until the user closed the tab or navigated away.

For testing, we quickly realized that we would need some way to "reset" the application between each test without reloading the page and starting from scratch. To that end, we isolated all of the state in an application into an object called the container that could be thrown away after each test had completed.

We wanted a shared way for both apps and add-ons to initialize applications when they booted and loaded. In particular, it was important for people to get access to that container to make objects available to the app at runtime. To do so, we introduced the initializer API.

For example, Ember Data uses this API to ensure that all of your controllers and routes have access to the store object.

As we have been working on the FastBoot effort to allow Ember apps to run on the server, we realized that the assumption that there would only be one instance of the app running at once no longer held.

In particular, we realized that "app boot" was actually two distinct phases:

  1. Loading all of your application code and registering objects with the application (such as the store in the Ember Data example)
  2. Instantiating objects when the app starts running

When the application boots up for the first time, we need to run Step 1 above, but it would be wasteful to run it for every request going to your FastBoot server.

We also realized that a huge number of real-world initializers were simply registering classes and injections, while a smaller fraction of initializers are doing work that truly needs to be done per run.

By separating out these two kinds of work, we could improve the performance of cases where a single application was used multiple times, each with a fresh set of state.

This applies to FastBoot, of course, but it also applies to integration tests. Today, integration tests spend time executing code in initializers that don't change between test runs, simply because of the possibility that the initializer may also set up instances.

Thankfully, the initializer infrastructure already clearly marks the boot-up phase of your application (both in your own code and in add-ons), so we only need to make a small tweak to initializers for FastBoot to work.

This change makes the difference between initializers that set up code and initializers that set up instances explicit.

The old App.initializer API now receives a registry, which can be freely used to set up code using the register API and the various inject APIs.

A new App.instanceInitializer API receives an ApplicationInstance object. When migrating code, the most important property on the ApplicationInstance is container, which you can use to get new instances and set state on them.

Migrating code to the new structure is fairly mechanical. Change code that looks like:

  name: "clock",

  initialize: function(container) {
    container.register("clock:main", Clock);
    var clock = container.lookup("clock:main");


  name: "clock",

  initialize: function(registry) {
    registry.register("clock:main", Clock);

  name: "clock",

  initialize: function(instance) {
    var clock = instance.container.lookup("clock:main");

Some things to remember:

  1. All instanceInitializers run after initializers and do not share a namespace. You can use the same name in both, and don't have to use before or after to make sure that instance initializers run second.
  2. The deprecated registry.lookup works by maintaining a 1:1 mapping between Application and a default ApplicationInstance. This is fundamentally incompatible with FastBoot, and you will need to clear this deprecation warning before you will be able to use any of the FastBoot features.

While FastBoot and the improved testing performance have not yet landed, these changes allow us to continue work on those APIs after Ember 2.0. It also future-proofs Ember for more situations where a single Application has multiple runs over its lifetime.