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Deprecation Guide for Replace jQuery APIs

until: 4.0.0
id: jquery-apis

As of Ember 3.4.0, Ember no longer requires that all applications include jQuery, therefore APIs that are coupled to jQuery have been deprecated.

Since jQuery is not needed by Ember itself anymore, and many apps (e.g. mobile apps) are sensitive about performance, it is often beneficial for those to avoid shipping jQuery. If this is not a major concern for your app, and you see value in using jQuery, it is absolutely fine to continue doing so. It is just not included by default anymore, so you have to opt in to using it with the @ember/jquery package as described below.

For addons it is a bit different as they are not aware of the context in which they are used. Any addon that still relies on jQuery will either force their consuming apps to continue bundling jQuery, or will not be usable for apps that decide not to do so. Therefore it is highly recommended to avoid relying on jQuery in general, unless there is a good reason (e.g. an addon wrapping a jQuery plugin).

Added deprecations

The main jQuery integration API that has been deprecated is this.$() inside of an Ember.Component, which would give you a jQuery object of the component's element. Instead, you can use the this.element property, which provides a reference to a native DOM element:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  waitForAnimation() {
    this.$().on('transitionend', () => this.doSomething());

should be changed to:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  waitForAnimation() {
    this.element.addEventListener('transitionend', () => this.doSomething());

If you used this.$() to query for child elements, you can do so as well with native DOM APIs:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  waitForAnimation() {
    this.$('.animated').on('transitionend', () => this.doSomething());

should be changed to:

import Component from '@ember/component';

export default Component.extend({
  waitForAnimation() {
      .forEach((el) => el.addEventListener('transitionend', () => this.doSomething()));

This applies in a similar fashion to component tests using the setupRenderingTest() helper. Instead of using this.$() in a test, you should use this.element (or alternatively the find()/findAll() helpers from @ember/test-helpers):

test('it disables the button', async function(assert) {
  // ...

  assert.ok(this.$('button').prop('disabled'), 'Button is disabled');

should be changed to:

test('it disables the button', async function(assert) {
  // ...

  assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('button').disabled, 'Button is disabled');

If you do continue to use jQuery, please make sure to always import it like this:

import jQuery from 'jquery';

Accessing it from the Ember namespace as Ember.$ is and will remain deprecated.

Opting into jQuery

Apps and addons which require jQuery, can opt into the jQuery integration now provided by the @ember/jquery package. This will provide the this.$() API to Ember.Components, and will make sure that the EventDispatcher will provide jQuery events to a component's event handler methods to maintain compatibility. this.$() deprecation warnings will still be displayed.

ember install @ember/jquery
ember install @ember/optional-features
ember feature:enable jquery-integration

For addons make sure that @ember/jquery is added as a dependency in its package.json!