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Deprecation Guide for 3.13 Modifier Manager Capabilities

until: 4.0.0
id: manager-capabilities.modifiers-3-13

Any modifier managers using the 3.13 capabilities should update to the most recent modifier capabilities, currently 3.22. In 3.22, the major changes are:

  1. The modifier definition, associated via setModifierManager is passed directly to create, rather than a factory wrapper class. Previously, you would access the class via the class property on the factory wrapper:
   // before
   class CustomModifierManager {
     capabilities = capabilities('3.13');

     createModifier(Definition, args) {
       return new Definition.class(args);

This can be updated to use the definition directly:

   // after
   class CustomModifierManager {
     capabilities = capabilities('3.22');

     createModifier(Definition, args) {
       return new Definition(args);
  1. Args are both lazy and autotracked by default. This means that in order to track an argument value, you must actually use it in your modifier. If you do not, the modifier will not update when the value changes.

    If you still need the modifier to update whenever a value changes, even if it was not used, you can manually access every value in the modifiers installModifier and updateModifier lifecycle hooks:

   function consumeArgs(args) {
     for (let key in args.named) {
       // consume value

     for (let i = 0; i < args.positional.length; i++) {
       // consume value

   class CustomModifierManager {
     capabilities = capabilities('3.22');

     installModifier(bucket, element, args) {

       // ...

     updateModifier(bucket, args) {

       // ...

In general this should be avoided, however, and users who are writing modifiers should instead use the value if they want it to be tracked by the modifier.